
The Federal copyright law governs the duplication, distribution, use and display or performance of all copyrighted materials, including printed matter, audiovisual materials, television programs, computer software and the Internet. Violation of the law can subject the violator to legal action by the copyright holder resulting in the levying of fines and/or compensatory damages. Nonprofit status or public ownership does not provide a haven for the law; and public schools are subject to its provisions just as are other agencies and businesses. However, there are exemptions which provide some latitude for the use of copyrighted materials for instructional purposes under the doctrine known as "fair use." These exemptions, while helpful in facilitating instructions, do not apply for non-instructional purposes such as reward or motivation. The Wautoma Area School Board has adopted the following policies regarding copyright:

Policies Summary

........The District shall abide by all provisions of the copyright laws. Commercial materials, whether printed or non-printed, may not be duplicated without prior written permission from the owner or copyright holder.

........The School Board does not sanction or condone illegal duplication in any form, the use of illegally duplicated materials or the improper use of commercially duplicated materials.

........Copyrighted tests and answers are not to be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanic, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system.

........Procedures and guidelines for the legal duplication of materials for instructional purposes may be obtained from the school or district office.

.........Employees who willfully infringe upon current copyright laws may be subject to disciplinary action by the school board.

Principal's Responsibility:

........The principal is responsible for informing the faculty regarding copyright laws.

.........Each media specialist shall receive training in copyright laws and serve as a resource to the principal.

........Enforcement of copyright laws at a school site is the responsibility of the principal. In the event of copyright law violation, the principal may wish to contact the Department of Educational Media and Technology for additional assistance.

"Fair Use:"

1. Nonprofit status or public ownership does not provide a haven from the copyright law, and public schools are subject to its provisions just as are other agencies and businesses. However, there are exceptions that provide some latitude for the use of copyrighted materials for instructional purposes under the doctrine known as "Fair Use."

2. "Fair Use" presupposes good faith and fair dealing.

3. The courts use the following four criteria to determine "Fair Use:"

........the purpose and character of the use - the use of materials for teaching or research is acceptable according to "Fair Use" guidelines

........the nature of the copyrighted work - if the material is designed primarily for educational use, it is likely to fit the "Fair Use" guidelines; these "Fair use" exemptions do not apply to non-instructional purposes such as reward and motivation

........the amount of the work used - if only a certain percentage of a work is used, "Fair Use" guidelines, may apply

........the effect of the use upon the potential market value of the copyrighted work - if future sales of the work are negatively impacted by modification, "Fair Use" guidelines do not apply.

B. Permission to View PG-13 & R-Rated VideosTeachers wishing to show any video rated above PG must copy the following forms:

1. Lesson Planning Guide for PG-13 or R Rated Materials: Each student in the class take a copy of this form home to obtain the signature of a parent/guardian.

2. Permission to View PG-13 or R Rated Material: The teacher must complete this form and submit it his/her department head/grade-level chair and principal for a signature.